
A Ten-Year-Old Film Critic Reviews The Odd Life of Timothy Green

CJ Adams and Odeya Rush in "The Odd Life of Timothy Green." Photo by Phil Bray – © Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green is about Timothy and his life that takes some twists and turns along the way. I loved the movie. It was really emotional. I wanted to cry sometimes. The movie was a very magical adventure. I loved how Timothy has a friend that gets him (that is, understands him).

This is a movie about a mom and a dad who want to have a child but can’t have one. They go to the doctor and the doctor says that they cannot have a baby and that they have tried everything they can. They come home and they are really upset. The dad, Jim Green (Joel Edgerton), says that he wants to try one more time. That night a magical thunder storm hits their house and Timothy is born. Timothy (CJ Adams) was born from the garden and he was born my age, 10 years old. Timothy quickly becomes part of the family.

There are a couple of parts in the movie that I like best. One of them was when Timothy gets dropped off a school for the first and his Mom, Cindy Green (Jennifer Garner), says “bye,” and his Dad says “Have a great day.” The Mom then says “That is too much pressure.” So the Dad says “Have the day you have.” I don’t know why but I really thought it was funny. My next favorite part is that Timothy’s friend, Joni Jerome (Odeya Rush) has a secret too and likes that Timothy is different. I like it because it felt meaningful to me. Oh, and I have one more favorite part. I liked the part when the Timothy’s mom is concerned about how much time Timothy is spending with his friend, Joni. So the Mom talks to the friend. She was surprised to know that Timothy’s friend was helping Timothy to be a normal kid and understand the world.

My most favorite character in the movie was Timothy Green. He is a person that sees the great side of everything. Timothy also doesn’t mind being different. Even though he has leaves on his legs and has a hard time with things, he always sees the bright side of everything. I also liked Timothy’s friend Joni Jerome. She accepts Timothy for who he is. She also had a secret herself and she becomes more than a friend to Timothy. Joni finds out Timothy is different and she doesn’t mind. Timothy’s dad, Jim, is a surprising character. He is really new at being a parent and he is not afraid to be himself. Also, he has his heart in the right place. He goofs up sometimes but he always cares about Timothy. Timothy’s mom, Cindy, is a very sensitive person who is very serious when it comes to parenting. She does not want to mess up as a parent. She is very nervous and she just wants Timothy to be normal and not get hurt.

I liked the whole movie and there weren’t any parts I did not like. I even loved the ending, it was very meaningful. It was not the ending I expected, but I liked it because it was very mysterious. I am not going to tell you how the movie ended. I wouldn’t even tell my Dad. You’ll just have to go see the movie. I know you will LOVE The Odd Life of Timothy Green! I did.

Miranda Clarke

I love to write and watch movies. I have always been interested in doing a job that involves movies and T.V. shows in some way. I am dedicated to everything I do and am grateful for this Job opportunity.

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