
Seven Things We Want From the Avengers Sequel

Based on the record-breaking opening weekend The Avengers enjoyed, I think it’s safe to assume that most of you have seen the movie already, but just to be safe – read further at your own risk! There will be at least one major spoiler that will most definitely have a lasting impact on the future of Marvel’s characters on the silver screen.

While I know it’s not on the slate just yet, my mind is already buzzing with possibilities of what we can expect in The Avengers 2. Since the endless speculation of movie plots, characters, directors, etc. is what we all like to do on the internet, we here at CinemaNerdz present you with the seven things we want from the Avengers sequel….


1. Get the Band Back Together

If they were an integral part of the production of The Avengers, I want them involved in the sequel. First up is Joss Whedon. He made a nearly perfect flick (and arguably the best Marvel-themed movie to date), and he has beautifully set up what happens next, so it would be an absolute shame to not get to see the next evolution of his vision. While it may be a little more difficult, it’s imperative to keep the same cast. Sure, Don Cheadle made a better Rhodes than Terrence Howard in the Iron Man franchise, but could you imagine having to replace Robert Downey Jr. with someone else as Iron Man? Or changing the actor playing Bruce Banner yet again? It would completely throw off the dynamic.

2. More Avengers!

This original movie was wonderfully set up to make this group work, but throughout the group’s comic history, a practical who’s who of the Marvel Universe has been an Avenger. I’m going to ignore characters like Wolverine and Spider-Man because I know how studio politics work (and because I don’t like them as Avengers), but I am going to mention some of the original members that should be considered. Next time around, what about Ant-Man? Joss already joked he wanted Nathan Fillion in that role, so why not make it happen? Same goes for characters like Scarlet Witch and Vision. Hell, there’s already a love story for those two. Also, any new incarnation of the Avengers would be incomplete without Wasp.

3. It’s Time to Go Cosmic

With Loki’s relationship with “The Other” and the reveal of (just in case…spoiler spoiler spoiler) Thanos, the filmmakers have to go cosmic. Plus, the Infinity Gauntlet was in the Asgardian trophy room, so it just makes sense. I’m not sure if The Avengers 2 will be 100% cosmic, but the Thanos/Infinity Gauntlet/Thor connection is too strong to ignore. How about Thanos gets the Gauntlet in Thor 2 and then The Avengers 2 deals with the fall out? That way, the filmmakers have plenty of opportunity to introduce the Celestials and a whole other aspect of the Marvel Universe. Sure, DC tried to introduce their cosmic world with Green Lantern, and it wasn’t that successful. I have every confidence Marvel won’t make the same mistakes when they go cosmic.

4. Film the Sequel in 3-D

The first movie’s budget was $220 million, and that was already made back with interest by the first weekend of the domestic release because of the earlier international releases. The audience is rabid and the franchise is a proven moneymaker. The sequel deserves to get the full 3-D treatment instead of just converting the film in post. Plus, with the scope of the second film as I see it, The Avengers 2 needs to be filmed in 3-D because it’s destined to be so epic.

5. Adam Warlock

If the film goes like I think it should as mentioned in #3, then Adam Warlock is mandatory for The Avengers 2. For those of you not familiar with Infinity Gauntlet lore, he gains possession of the Gauntlet once Thanos is defeated. Sure, things are grim and pretty Earth-shattering before Thanos’s defeat, but the good guys always win, right?

6. Make it Longer!

I know The Avengers was two and a half hours long, but it’s been reported that Whedon’s first cut of the film was three hours and that the deleted scenes would be on the DVD release. At times, I felt the film was a bit too quick to establish things and move on. I would have loved to see the development and build up included in making the movie three hours long. With a super group like this, you can’t be afraid to make the movie a bit longer than average because this group is a bit more than average.

7. Try to Release it Before 2015

Of course, this may not be logistically possible, but Whedon gave me too much to think about to wait too long for The Avengers 2.

Dane Jackson has been writing about movies since high school when he had a monthly column in the school paper about cult movies. His cinematic tastes have matured (slightly) since then.
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