Kevin Hart, Ice Cube, and Ken Jeong in Ride Along 2
Kevin Hart, Ice Cube, and Ken Jeong in Ride Along 2
Kevin Hart, Ice Cube, and Ken Jeong in Ride Along 2

Movie Review: Ride Along 2

It made sense that we got the buddy cop film Ride Along (2014) starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. A film for them to work off such different personalities; they always seemed like a perfect duo. Coming from director Tim Story, w...

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Movie Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens needed to do two things. First of all, it needed to erase the sour memory of the prequels, at least in the minds of ardent Star Wars fans. Secondly, it needed to prove it could stand with the origin...

Hugh Jackman in Pan
Hugh Jackman in Pan
Hugh Jackman in Pan

Movie Review: Pan

Every once in a while, life hands you an unexpected treat. In this particular case that treat is the new family adventure film Pan. You likely did not know you were even missing something in your children’s fairy tale cat...