3 Days to Kill
3 Days to Kill
3 Days to Kill

Movie Review: 3 Days to Kill

The new film 3 Days to Kill is an original story created by Luc Besson and directed by McG. Those two names may lead you to expect a pretty good action film. If that was your guess, then you would be half right. The film tells ...


Movie Review: RoboCop

RoboCop (2014) is a straight-up reboot and retelling of the original RoboCop (1987). Once again, a Detroit-based cop is murdered and used for an experiment in modern policing by the shadowy corporation OmniCorp, to promote thei...

The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie

Movie Review: The Lego Movie

Cast aside any doubts you might have had, because The Lego Movie is wickedly funny, smartly written, surprisingly heartfelt, and will almost certainly end up being one of the best family films of 2014. As I’m sure was the...