Big Ass Spider
Big Ass Spider
Big Ass Spider

The Best B-Movies of the 21st Century

The constant big-budget movie releases with their A-list stars, state of the art technology, and expensive advertising campaigns can make it easy to forget that most of the movie industry just doesn’t have that kind of money. M...


From Vampires to Cave Girls: The History of Hammer Films

That a little studio located in the English countryside consistently put out high quality films on a very limited budget is one of the great stories in filmmaking history. Hammer Films was the most successful independent film c...


Space Travel, Alien Invasions, and Atomic Monsters: The Best 1950s Science Fiction Films

There are no movies more fun to watch than 1950s science fiction. The first of these films went from the sublime to the ridiculous, from Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) to Cat Women of the Moon (1953). But they all had so...