The Ten Best Baseball Movies Ever Made
There’s a speech given by James Earl Jones as writer Terence Mann in Field of Dreams that perfectly sums up the American love affair with the game of baseball. As Mann tries to convince Kevin Costner’s character, Ray Kinsella, ...
CinemaLinks: George Lucas Says He’s Quitting and Some Steven Soderbergh Goodness
Well, it’s another week gone by and we here at CinemaNerdz thought we’d take a look at some of the big movie stories we came across from last week and share them with you all. First off, an article from the New York...
The Tragic History of the Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour
The fall of 1967 found The Beatles feasting on the critical and commercial success of the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album and looking for a follow-up. Since the record’s June release, the group had become cultural a...