
The Minions Blu-ray Giveaway

CinemaNerdz is proud to offer our readers a chance to win one of three Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD/Ultra-Violet Combo copies of Minions starring Kevin, Stuart, and Bob. For your chance to win one of the discs, just look for the R...

Roger Waters The Wall
Roger Waters The Wall
Roger Waters The Wall

Roger Waters The Wall Blu-ray Giveaway

CinemaNerdz is proud to offer our readers a chance to win one of three Blu-ray/ Ultra-Violet Combo copies of Roger Waters The Wall. For your chance to win one of the copies of the Roger Waters The Wall Blu-ray, just look for th...

The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games Blu-ray Giveaway

CinemaNerdz is proud to offer our readers a chance to win a Blu-ray/Digital Combo copy of The Hunger Games starring Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutchinson, Woody Harrelson, and Liam Hemsworth. For your chance to win a copy of the o...