Lucy in the Sky Teaser Trailer Starring Natalie Portman Released
Fox Searchlight has released the first trailer for Lucy in the Sky, starring Natalie Portman as astronaut Lucy Cola. In the film, Portman plays an astronaut who returns to Earth after a transcendent experience during a recent m...
Box-Office Weekend: How to Train Your Dragon Sequel Bests Madea Sequel
Tyler Perry’s latest offering to the Madea canon, A Madea Family Funeral, made an impressive bid for the top spot at the box office this weekend but was unable to fell the proverbial dragon as How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidd...
Box Office Weekend: ‘Alita’ On Top, Despite Disappointing Overall Holiday Numbers
The three-day President’s Day holiday this year belonged to Alita: Battle Angel which stood atop the box-office weekend with an estimated $27.8 million debut. Despite the impressive opening tallies, the film is still burdened w...