Box Office Weekend: Captain America Busts Up Domestic and Worldwide Box Office
Leave it to Captain America to once again perform heroics, this time at the box office. Not only is the estimated $96.2 million of Captain America: The Winter Soldier the biggest opening ever for an April release, it is the big...
Box Office Weekend: Noah Rides Wave of Controversy to the Top
Despite the many controversial issues brought up by Darren Aronofsky’s Noah (or perhaps because of them), the biblical epic got off to a good start with an estimated $44 million at the box office. With a total worldwide take of...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teaser Trailer is Online and Looks Absurdly Fun
The teaser trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, producer Michael Bay’s take on the Heroes in a Half Shell legend has just been released across the internet and it looks like it might actually be a lot of fun. The film reun...