Weekend Box-Office: The Hunger Games Not On Top for the First Time Ever!
Now, don’t let the title here mislead you…The Hunger Games is not out of the running just yet. Instead, the epic moneymaker settled for bronze in its fifth week in the box office with an estimated $14.5 million, about half of t...
Weekend Box-Office: The Hunger Games Can’t Be Stopped…On Top for Four Straight Weeks!
Oscar Wilde wrote that life imitates art…that certainly seems to be the case, since The Hunger Games is bound and determined to destroy any and all competition. For four straight weeks it has remained the box office champ despi...
Weekend Box-Office: John Carter and A Thousand Words Tie for First? Nope! April Fools – The Hunger Games Stays on Top
Usually a 60% drop in revenue can spell disaster for a film…but considering what The Hunger Games made last week, the estimated $61.1 million it made this week is not the problem that it seems. With a total gross of $251 millio...