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Last Vegas
Last Vegas
Last Vegas

Trailer Trashin’: The Hangover Meets Red in Last Vegas

The 2013 summer movie season continues on, with this week seeing the release of The Wolverine. It’s been getting some fairly good buzz, and I’m actually interested in seeing it. In the meantime, this week’s Tr...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: The Conjuring Scares Up More Than Good Reviews and Takes Box Office Gold

The Conjuring is generating a lot of buzz…not only for its high reviews, but for its money-making potential. Budgeted at $20 million, the film (directed by James Wan, who previously found success in the world of horror with the...

Movie Review
Red 2
Red 2
Red 2

Movie Review: Red 2

The action-comedy RED (2010), inspired by the limited comic book series of the same name from DC’s Homage Comics imprint, was an unexpected and pleasant surprise for moviegoers when it came out a few years ago. It success...