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Box Office Weekend: Identity Thief Sneaks to the Top of a Down Box Office
On a night all about the movies, it may be ironic that overall profits are down to early February levels…with the red carpet bringing out the stars and awards for the films of 2012, the current fare at the theaters are not brin...
Trailer Trashin’: Class is Now in Session at Monsters University
It’s almost here, dear readers. With the Academy Awards this coming weekend, we’re almost to the end of February and the beginning of the season for what will hopefully be good movies. This week’s Trailer Tras...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Safe Haven
A young woman seeks refuge in a Southern coastal town in the new movie Safe Haven, based on a Nicholas Sparks novel. Though the film is marketed as an intense love story, I would say that it is only 50% love story and 50% myste...