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Trailer Trashin’: Get Ready for the Monster War in Pacific Rim

We’re halfway through January, and the hype machines for many of the big films of 2013 are already chugging away. And after Star Trek Into Darkness a few weeks ago, it’s time for another movie to get a surprisingly ...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: Zero Dark Thirty Knocks Out Django Unchained

While returns for the year are down from the end of 2012 and the new year’s debuts have failed to impress thus far, Django Unchained nevertheless failed to stay on top against one critically acclaimed film and two…well, not-so-...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Gangster Squad

While certainly loud, somewhat sexy, and decked out in all the accurate aesthetic trappings of 1930s Los Angeles, Gangster Squad turns out to be merely a dim cousin to sincere works like L.A. Confidential or Michael Mann’s inti...