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Trailer Trashin’: The Last Son of Krypton Returns in Man of Steel

It’s been an embarrassment of riches, dear readers. In the past week-and-a-half, new trailers have been released for no less than six of next year’s big movies. Obviously, these trailer are coming out in conjunction...


Trailer Trashin’: Giants Robots vs. Giant Monsters in Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim

It’s been an embarrassment of riches, dear readers. In the past week-and-a-half, new trailers have been released for no less than six of next year’s big movies. Obviously, these trailer are coming out in conjunction...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: An Unexpected Journey Makes Big, but Lower than Expected Debut

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Peter Jackson’s prequel to his epic The Lord of the Rings series, was expected to make a big start, and even if there had been any new competition it was not likely to cause much damage agains...