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Trailer Trashin’: Kirk and Crew are Back in Star Trek Into Darkness

Oh my goodness, it’s almost here! After years of speculation, false starts, and delays, the release of the first part of The Hobbit trilogy is only a few short days away. And with such a big tent-pole release, the studios...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: Skyfall Rises Back to the Top of a Tepid Weekend

With the wide release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey due next weekend and little new to talk about, box office returns are down significantly from the previous week, though James Bond is certainly not frowning. Skyfall re...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Playing for Keeps

The film, Playing for Keeps is a slightly above average romantic comedy that is more about the beautiful Scottish actor Gerard Butler than anything else. Who will enjoy this film? My best guess would be; women and soccer fans. ...