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Trailer Trashin’: Bullets are Flying in Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained
It’s finally December, and that means it’s the time we’ll all start preparing to celebrate our winter holiday of choice – Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus/Decemberween/etc. And this week’s edition of T...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Anna Karenina
Even if it were not for Keira Knightley’s odd facial tics and total lack of intensity, Joe Wright’s lavishly-staged adaptation of Tolstoy’s Russian literature cornerstone Anna Karenina would still play like the tragic romance O...
Box Office Weekend: No Sunset for Twilight
Critics might not have agreed, but there was no stopping the juggernaut finale…The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 held the top spot for the third week in a row. Though its estimated $17.4 million is far below its previous ...