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Trailer Trashin’: Saddle Up with the Lone Ranger
It may only be the beginning of October, but it’s never too early for the studios to start hyping their slate of 2013 movies. On this week’s installment of Trailer Trashin’, I aim my film journalism six-guns a...
Weekend Box-Office: Taken 2 Abducts Box Office
With October underway, it may be a little surprising that the horror film season kicks off with the first-place winner at the box office being an action thriller whose only horrific element may be its reviews. Taken 2 stood tal...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Frankenweenie
There may seem to be glut of scary-themed animated movies this fall – we’ve already had ParaNorman and Hotel Transylvania – and now we have Frankenweenie, Tim Burton’s comparably modest addition to a genre he had a significant ...