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Movie Review
Movie Review: Lawless
Back when running moonshine in the hills of Virginia was a logical fair trade to counter-balance the social effects of alcohol prohibition, three brothers used their massive stills and the eldest sibling’s quiet brawn to distri...
Trailer Trashin’: Blood and Blades Go Flying in The Man with the Iron Fists
With the end of August, the summer movie season finally ends with the last handful of releases. Of course, ridiculous B-movies are in no way restricted to the summer months, and the subject’s of today’s column is pr...
Weekend Box Office: The Expendables 2 Still Knocking Off the Rest
They still have pull, though probably not as much as they would like…The Expendables 2 held the crown of the top draws at the box office, but at an estimated $13.5 million this week and $52.3 million in domestic success, it pro...