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Cinema Revisited: The Brave New World of Gattaca
We have always been stargazers. We look into the night sky and wonder what is out there and if future generations will travel to far away worlds. And we wonder what kind of world we will see in our lifetime and what kind of wor...
Movie Review
A Ten-Year-Old Film Critic Reviews The Odd Life of Timothy Green
The Odd Life of Timothy Green is about Timothy and his life that takes some twists and turns along the way. I loved the movie. It was really emotional. I wanted to cry sometimes. The movie was a very magical adventure. I loved ...
Movie Review
Movie Review: The Odd Life of Timothy Green
Disney’s The Odd Life of Timothy Green is everything but odd, unless you are of the mind-set that great movies being made as of late are few and far between. Finally ladies and gentlemen there is a wonderful movie that all audi...