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Trailer Trashin’: Clint Eastwood is Back in Trouble with the Curve
Sports movies have been a staple of Hollywood for a long time, all the way back to the silent era. And considering that the 2012 Summer Olympics just wrapped up, it is appropriate that this week marks the first time a sports fi...
Weekend Box Office: A Legacy Continues as The Bourne Legacy Opens On Top
Could the Bourne series survive without star Matt Damon? Quite possibly…though rising star Jeremy Renner has proven himself quite handily in other films (Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol and The Avengers), his The Bourne Le...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Hope Springs
What happens after thirty-one years of marriage resulting in two grown children? Your marriage can get a bit stale, which is the issue at hand in the new movie Hope Springs which stars Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. Kay (Str...