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Trailer Trashin’: Suspense, Style, and Smarts Come Together in Skyfall

We’ve reached August, and the summer movie season is starting to wind down, with only a handful of notable releases left. But even if there aren’t as many movies, there are still some great trailers coming out. This...


Weekend Box Office: The Dark Knight Need Not Rise; Stays Well Ahead of Competition

While it was not the Avengers-killer that DC was hoping it would be, director Christopher Nolan still brought in big numbers with The Dark Knight Rises, which, with an estimated $36.4 million this weekend, puts its on solid foo...


Fearing the Dark: The Horror Films of Val Lewton

In 2005 Turner Home Entertainment released a box set of nine films from producer Val Lewton. Producers don’t usually get singled out for their influence on films and no other producer has had his work packaged in a box set. Tha...