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Trailer Trashin’: Superman Comes Back to Theaters in Man of Steel

If you went to see The Dark Knight Rises – and considering that it’s already made over $530 million worldwide, many of you probably have – you probably got a look at the next DC Comics movie coming our way. It’s the...


Win Advance Tickets to The Campaign

We’ve got 25 chances to win passes (two admit one passes per winner) to see the new Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis film The Campaign on Wednesday, August 8th at 7:00 PM at the Uptown Palladium 12 in Birmingham, MI. And we w...


Weekend Box Office: Batman and Mammoths Hold Off Ben Stiller and Dancing

It has been a week since the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado that turned what was meant to be an exciting night at the movies into a weekend of grieving and sorrow, and the studios decided to avoid releasing their box off...