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Trailer Trashin’: Generic but entertaining, thy name is Alex Cross

As we battle the summer heat, the air-conditioned interiors of our local movie theaters are a welcome sanctuary, where the new trailers give us things to look forward to besides cooler weather. For your reading pleasure this we...


Weekend Box Office: Big Take for Marvel, McFarlane, and Pixar

Talk about winning streaks…Marvel, already rolling in dough with its major success of The Avengers, opened The Amazing Spider-Man on an off-kilter Tuesday debut. Turns out they may not have needed it: even without that extra ca...

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

There are those that will never be happy with reboots or changes to beloved franchises. Already, The Amazing Spider-Man has been attacked for starting Spider-Man’s story anew once again, despite only ten years having passed sin...