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Trailer Trashin’: Pixar Enters the Prequel Game with Monsters University

Well, faithful readers, this is a day I’ve awaited since I started writing this column – I finally get to write about a Pixar movie! This week brings us the first teaser for the first Pixar prequel, Monsters University. P...


Dear White People: A Reason to Return to the Theater

Never mind the group-specific title. Dear White People is a movie we can all be excited about. Billing itself “a satire about being a black face in a very white place,” Dear White People follows the events leading up to a race ...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

In recent years, the mash-up novel, a work of fiction which combines a pre-existing text, often a classic work of fiction, with elements of popular genres such as vampire or zombie stories, has become quite popular. The first a...