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Trailer Trashin’: The Resident Evil Series Continues to Not Interest Me with Resident Evil: Retribution
I’ve been on a good run with Trailer Trashin’ these last couple weeks, but I knew it would happen eventually – I have to write about a movie I have no interest in. On the chopping block this week is the second trail...
Weekend Box-Office: A Week Later and Little Has Changed
The Father’s Day weekend belonged to last week’s top draws as Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted and Prometheus remained in the top spots, earning an estimated $35.5 million and $20.2 million, respectively. While both experienc...
Movie Review
Movie Review: That’s My Boy
Adam Sandler movies seem to go from one extreme to the other. Either they are classic great ones like, Happy Gilmore or horrifyingly bad like Jack and Jill. That’s My Boy is somewhere in the middle. There are moments that you d...