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Movie Review

Movie Review: Meek’s Cutoff

O Pioneers! You endured the most immense hardships in your dedication to find arid land and the promise of prosperity in the badlands of a still-unknown America. An epic struggle fueled by an unerring faith in Providence and ma...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Everything Must Go

If Hollywood has taught us anything it is that there comes a time in every funny man’s life where he wants to explore his more serious side. Following the footsteps of other great comedians turned drama kings (aka Michael Keato...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Bridesmaids

When watching the trailer for Bridesmaids, it’s easy to simply pigeon-hole it as a “female” Hangover. Sure, the two movies have very similar elements, but Bridesmaids is much more than a clone. It’s a rated-R gross-out comedy w...