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Movie Review
Movie Review: We Need to Talk About Kevin
The frustrating irony of We Need to Talk About Kevin is that no one gets around to actually talking about the brooding, sociopathic Kevin until he has become fodder for editorials, hand-wringing, and misdirected anger once he h...
Win Tickets to The Raven
Congratulations to the winners of our “Win Tickets to The Raven” contest! Here they are: Hairsty2, Kriz19, robt4848, Renie, Kristen G., Electricblue717, k4berry, Billy0806, Shadesalpha, canadianflag, Brian Titus, Kandace Meade,...
Trailer Trashin’: Total Recall Looks Slick But Soulless
In the debut edition of Trailer Trashin’ last week, I talked about my excitement for Rise of the Guardians, this week we’re looking at something completely different – the upcoming remake of the 1990 Paul Verhoeven/Arnold...