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Movie Review

Movie Review: Your Highness

What do you get when you mingle the sophomoric, self-deprecating, and sometimes tasteless humor of Danny McBride with a 1980s sword & sorcery epic? Well, you sort of get an action adventure film, Your Highness, with a lot o...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Certified Copy

Certified Copy is a romantic, picturesque movie that is held together through intellectual dialogue and the presence of Juliette Binoche as the lead actress. Binoche, a French actress best known for her performance in The Engli...


Weekend Box-Office: Hop on Top!

Three new movies, three top takers; and on two of them, the majority of audiences and critics can agree. Hop was the big winner of the weekend; while not a critical darling, it more than made up for that with a take of $38.1 mi...