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Movie Review
Movie Review: The Secret World of Arrietty
The Secret World of Arrietty was awesome! I really loved the movie, it was great! The Secret World of Arrietty is a story about a family of Borrowers, or little people, and their adventures of living in a secret house under a h...
Weekend Box-Office: A Weekend for Lovers as The Vow Makes a Strong Debut
It was a strong weekend at the pre-Valentine’s Day box office, well up from last week, with four new films not only topping the first-place finisher from last week, but nearly blowing it out of the water. The big winner, the ro...
Movie Review
Movie Review: The Vow
As Valentine’s Day nears, a plethora of romantic movies swarm cable television and theatres designed to put us in the mood for love. The Vow, starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum, is a romantic drama based on true life ev...