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Movie Review
Movie Review: Man on a Ledge
Are you scared that maybe you might spend 102 minutes watching a man on a ledge? That the title alone might lead you right down Phone Booth memory lane? Don’t be afraid, Man on a Ledge is more than that. I won’t go so far as to...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Albert Nobbs
Albert Nobbs is a strangely wonderful little movie about a strange little man named Albert Nobbs (Glenn Close), who isn’t a man at all but a woman disguised as a man to live a better life in 19th-century Ireland. Nominated for ...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Pina
This is dance on film as it should be. There are of course countless movies with dancing as the focus, though few have the courage to let a camera roll uninterrupted and with little to zero editing so that we may simply watch t...