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What a Five-Year-Old Thought of Beauty and the Beast 3D

Re-releasing a Disney movie to theatres, in theory, should be a fairly safe bet for attracting the attention of a princess-obsessed five year old, but I was still a little apprehensive about taking my daughter Charley to see th...


CinemaLinks: George Lucas Says He’s Quitting and Some Steven Soderbergh Goodness

Well, it’s another week gone by and we here at CinemaNerdz thought we’d take a look at some of the big movie stories we came across from last week and share them with you all. First off, an article from the New York...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Underworld: Awakening

I think it should now be mandatory that, if anyone drags someone against their will to see the Twilight films, that same person should be subsequently forced to watch the Underworld films. They really are at the opposite spectr...