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The Many Faces of Ebenezer Scrooge: A History of A Christmas Carol on Film

Charles Dickens enjoyed great popularity in his lifetime, and that popularity hasn’t waned to this day. Despite an incredibly prolific assortment of characters and stories, which have been adapted to stage and screen over the y...

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I certainly had high expectations for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo going in. Granted, we’ve all been burned by unsuccessful movie-to-book adaptations before, usually because the filmmakers got lazy and didn’t quite change en...

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Adventures of Tintin

I did not love this movie, but it was okay. The Adventures of Tintin is a boring movie. I felt like I had seen the same story before, just with different characters trying to find something else. This movie is about a boy named...