Movie Review
Review: London Has Fallen Blu-ray
I thoroughly enjoyed London Has Fallen as a brainless action flick. It might not be as good as the first installment, but it is still an entertaining way to spend an hour and forty minutes.
The incredible lack of decent bonu...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Pete’s Dragon
Disney has been on a hot streak lately with live adaptations of their classic animated films. Even though it was divisive, Alice in Wonderland can be seen as the one that started this whole trend as it went on to gross over a b...
Movie Review
Movie Review: Sausage Party
Ready for a good time? Great! That just might happen for you if you go see Sausage Party. But be warned. This movie is not a love-it or hate-it film; it’s just not. Sausage Party is a have fun or don’t-have fun film...