Movie Review
Movie Review: The 5th Wave
A lot of film trends can be found in Hollywood nowadays but films set in dystopian societies that are based on young adult novels are something else. First, you had The Hunger Games in 2012 setting the standard for these films....
Movie Review
Movie Review: Mojave
A disaffected celebrity incurs the wrath of a menacing drifter in Mojave, a rote psycho thriller that wears its Shakespearian influences on its tattered sleeves before clumsily morphing into Come at Me Bro: The Movie as each of...
Movie Review
Movie Review: The Big Short
Default swaps, synthetic CDO, and subprime loans are not the first things that come to mind when watching a star-studded Hollywood drama. In fact, unless one happens to be a Wall Street stock advisor, these terms sound like not...