Movie Review
Kick-Ass 2
Kick-Ass 2
Kick-Ass 2

Movie Review: Kick-Ass 2

After the events of the first Kick-Ass film, regular citizens, inspired by the action of the hero who shares a name with the film’s title, decide to don masks and fight for justice. Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) has sta...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Savages

In my estimation, Oliver Stone has not made an exceptional film in fifteen years; 1997’s U-Turn was the last worthy one in a celebrated run of controversial classics that helped define 1990’s American cinema. Beginning with The...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Albert Nobbs

Albert Nobbs is a strangely wonderful little movie about a strange little man named Albert Nobbs (Glenn Close), who isn’t a man at all but a woman disguised as a man to live a better life in 19th-century Ireland. Nominated for ...