
Trailer Trashin’: Christmas Gets Horrific in the Krampus Official Trailer

Sorry that it’s been a while, dear readers. A combination of computer trouble and being busy with other things has kept me away for the last couple weeks. But the column is finally back, and this week’s Trailer Trashin’ takes a...

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Guilt Trip

Word is that Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand had a really good time together filming The Guilt Trip, according to their press interviews, and I’m happy for them. I’m not sure their audiences will fare as well. Both are definite...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Friends with Kids

Friends with Kids is a Bridesmaids reunion folks. This comedy/drama has its high points being more with the drama than the comedy. The measure for the comedy being, did I laugh out loud? Yes I did, not a loud laugh, but definit...