Anna Karina on set with Jean-Luc Godard
Anna Karina on set with Jean-Luc Godard
Anna Karina on set with Jean-Luc Godard

The Muse in Film

Since D.W. Griffith discovered stage actress Lillian Gish and immortalized her in dozens of silent movies, film directors, like other artists before them, have looked for inspiration in the muse. There is no more magical relati...


Interview with Sacha Gervasi, director of Hitchcock

Sacha Gervasi (pronounced Jur-VAH-zee), the director of the documentary Anvil: The Story of Anvil, made his feature film directing debut this year with the film Hitchcock. He’s also made a name for himself as a successful scree...


Trailer Trashin’: The Master of Suspense Lives Again in Hitchcock

With the release of Argo this past week, we’re officially in the season of prestige films and Oscar contenders. With that in mind, this week breaks new ground for Trailer Trashin’, because it’s my first time w...