Movie Review

Movie Review: Ben-Hur

It can be very difficult to judge a film on its own merits, especially when it is a story that has been retold several times, and when one of those times was one of the most heavily awarded films in the history of cinema, it ha...


Trailer Trashin’: Up, Up and Away with Man of Steel

With the release of Iron Man 3 less than two weeks away, the beginning of the 2013 summer movie season is almost in sight. Apart from some occasional bright spots, this has been a pretty boring spring for movies, so the beginni...


Trailer Trashin’: The Last Son of Krypton Returns in Man of Steel

It’s been an embarrassment of riches, dear readers. In the past week-and-a-half, new trailers have been released for no less than six of next year’s big movies. Obviously, these trailer are coming out in conjunction...