John Bradley, Patrick Wilson, and Halle Berry in Moonfall
John Bradley, Patrick Wilson, and Halle Berry in Moonfall
John Bradley, Patrick Wilson, and Halle Berry in Moonfall

Trailer Trashin’: The End of the World is Nigh in ‘Moonfall’

It has been quite a long time since CinemaNerdz has been graced with a timely installment of Trailer Trashin’ to be sure. But, never fear, we’re back and hoping to start a new dialogue of trailer discussion with you all. This w...

Movie Review

DVD Review: The Eagle

The Eagle is a conundrum. As a film, it is solid, with a decent cast, a distinct and deliberate lack of CG trickery, and leans more towards character than brainless action. In fact, other than a slow pace, there’s very little t...