Movie Review
Sausage Party
Sausage Party
Sausage Party

Movie Review: Sausage Party

Ready for a good time? Great! That just might happen for you if you go see Sausage Party. But be warned. This movie is not a love-it or hate-it film; it’s just not. Sausage Party is a have fun or don’t-have fun film...


Trailer Trashin’: Michael Keaton Loses his Mind in Birdman

Hello again, dear readers. I hope you’re enjoying the summer movie season. This week takes a break from the big blockbusters, with the two major releases being Clint Eastwood’s musical Jersey Boys and the completely...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Moonrise Kingdom

“Summer’s End” inlet is the poetically apt destination for a pair of adolescent teens in the first flush of young love following a year of pen-pal correspondences and being hunted by comically anxious parents, scoutmasters, and...