Movie Review
The Wolverine
The Wolverine
The Wolverine

Movie Review: The Wolverine

Let me get this out of the way, The Wolverine is not your typical Marvel mutant movie. If you’re hoping to see a smorgasbord of mutants show up to help the ol’ Canucklehead through the streets of Japan, where most of this film ...


Trailer Trashin’: The Ol’ Canucklehead is Back in The Wolverine

It’s April, and the weather is finally warming up. Even better, the beginning of April means that the start of the summer movie season is only a handful of weeks away. And appropriately, this week’s Trailer Trashin&...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

High-concept films are a tricky thing to pull off. If a novel concept isn’t supported with good filmmaking, you might get people in for the opening weekend, but they won’t come back to see your movie again. Then the...