Movie Review
Damian Lewis in Our Kind of Traitor
Damian Lewis in Our Kind of Traitor
Damian Lewis in Our Kind of Traitor

Movie Review: Our Kind of Traitor

The new thriller, Our Kind of Traitor, is worth the visit. Just the right amount of action, adventure, and intrigue. The dynamic cast was spot on and is sure to please. The story starts out with Perry (Ewan McGregor) and his gi...

47 Ronin
47 Ronin
47 Ronin

Trailer Trashin’: Keanu Reeves Leads Japanese Warriors in 47 Ronin

spent a lot of time at the movies this past weekend. On Friday, I finally got to see Pacific Rim again, and it was just as much fun seeing it a second time. And on Sunday, I saw The Conjuring with a friend, and while I’m ...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman

The only similarity between Snow White and the Huntsman and the Disney tale with which you’re probably familiar is that both start with the words: “Once Upon a Time.” On the other side of that phrase lies a kingdom where ...