
Trailer Trashin’: Another Crack at Teen-Lit Jackpot in Divergent

Hello again, dear readers, and I hope you all enjoyed your long Labor Day weekend. Now that the end-of-August releases have landed with their customary thud, we can leave the summer movie season behind and look forward to the f...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Carnage

With sadistic glee and a voyeur’s camera, Roman Polanski’s film version of French playwright Yasmina Reza’s stage production God of Carnage (shortened to the misleading horror-suggesting title Carnage)is a razor-sharp, viciousl...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Contagion

Let me get this out of the way first: ignore all the trailers and advertisements for this movie. They don’t really tell you what it’s really about. Contagion is not an action/horror film, nor is it a George Romero-esque tale of...