Movie Review
Michael Fassbender in "The Killer"
Michael Fassbender in "The Killer"
Michael Fassbender in "The Killer"

Movie Review: The Killer

A brutal and wryly funny bit of pulp, David Fincher's "The Killer" is more proof that few directors are more meticulous and honed in on their craft than he.

The cast of "Next Goal Wins"
The cast of "Next Goal Wins"
The cast of "Next Goal Wins"

Release Date Set for “Next Goal Wins”

Searchlight Pictures has announced the release date for director Taika Waititi's new film "Next Goal Wins" as September 22, 2023.

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Snowman

From Silence of the Lambs (1991), to Zodiac (2007), to Se7en (1995), detective thrillers can prove to be a great escape for the moviegoing audience. It puts us in the shoes of a profession we’ll probably never be in and most of...