Movie Review
Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, and Penelope Cruz in Zoolander 2
Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, and Penelope Cruz in Zoolander 2
Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, and Penelope Cruz in Zoolander 2

Movie Review: Zoolander 2

It’s been fifteen years since Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson have played Derek Zoolander and Hansel, respectively, and time has not been kind to them. Zoolander came out in 2001 making only $45 million domestically against a $28 m...


Trailer Trashin’: The Resident Evil Series Continues to Not Interest Me with Resident Evil: Retribution

I’ve been on a good run with Trailer Trashin’ these last couple weeks, but I knew it would happen eventually – I have to write about a movie I have no interest in. On the chopping block this week is the second trail...

Movie Review

Movie Review: The Three Musketeers

Early on in The Three Musketeers, a guard smirks at a captured Porthos (Ray Stevenson) and says, “For a man of your reputation, I expected better.” I guess, by now, it’s sort of a waste to say the same of Paul W.S. Anderson. Hi...