
Trailer Trashin’: Decoding the Spectre Teaser Trailer

Sorry it’s been so long since the last column, dear readers. I’ve been very busy these last couple weeks, doing things such as finishing up a book I’m writing, celebrating my birthday, and getting to see Heart...


Trailer Trashin’: Suspense, Style, and Smarts Come Together in Skyfall

We’ve reached August, and the summer movie season is starting to wind down, with only a handful of notable releases left. But even if there aren’t as many movies, there are still some great trailers coming out. This...


Trailer Trashin’: Skyfall Brings James Bond Back in a Big Way

Now that the Memorial Day holiday weekend has passed – where The Avengers was finally knocked out of the box office top spot – and the month of May is almost over, the summer 2012 movie season is only going to get more interest...