Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: Zero Dark Thirty Knocks Out Django Unchained

While returns for the year are down from the end of 2012 and the new year’s debuts have failed to impress thus far, Django Unchained nevertheless failed to stay on top against one critically acclaimed film and two…well, not-so-...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: Violence Brings in the New Year as Texas Chainsaw and Django Unchained Lead

Be it chopping off limbs or…threatening to chop off certain limbs, there is no shortage of moviegoers starting 2013 by seeing plenty of blood and gore, whether it was that this week’s big winner (but critical loser) Texas Chain...

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office

Box Office Weekend: Django May Get Bloody Revenge, But He Can’t Conquer Middle Earth

As 2012 draws to a close and a new year of movies dawns ahead, we still have one more weekend worth of movies to talk about, and with business up from last week, the old year is going out on a high note. The Hobbit: An Unexpect...