The Counselor
The Counselor
The Counselor

Trailer Trashin’: Ridley Scott Meets Cormac McCarthy in The Counselor

Happy Fourth of July, dear readers! I hope all of you have a great holiday. On the movie front, we’ll all finally get to see whether The Lone Ranger is any good. In the meantime, this week’s installment of Trailer T...

Movie Review

Movie Review: Prometheus

Director Ridley Scott returns to the genre of science fiction (he helped set the standard for the modern sci-fi film with Alien in 1979 and Blade Runner in 1982 but has focused primarily on dramas and action-adventure films sin...


CinemaLinks: A Prometheus Primer

So, you’re planning to see Ridley Scott’s return to science fiction, Prometheus this weekend? You say you’re wondering if you’ll be able to enjoy it without having a deep profound knowledge of the other Alien films? Well, we he...