
Trailer Trashin’: Super Bowl XLVII Movie Spot Roundup!

Well, another Super Bowl has come and gone – congratulations to the Baltimore Ravens on their victory, and good job to the San Francisco 49ers, too. But for people like me, who are cinephiles and not football fans, the main thi...


Trailer Trashin’: Tony Stark Lives Again in Iron Man 3

Happy Halloween, everyone! It’s the time for candy, costumes, trick-or-treating, parties, and watching horror and monster movies. On the Trailer Trashin’ docket this week is the first trailer for a film that’s...


Seven Things We Want From the Avengers Sequel

Based on the record-breaking opening weekend The Avengers enjoyed, I think it’s safe to assume that most of you have seen the movie already, but just to be safe – read further at your own risk! There will be at least one major ...