Movie Review
Maggie Q in The Protégé
Maggie Q in The Protégé
Maggie Q in The Protégé

Movie Review: The Protégé

The new action, crime, thriller, 'The Protégé,' starring the simply amazing Maggie Q, is a treasure trove of tantalizing action sequences and delightful performances.

Movie Review
Kill the Messenger
Kill the Messenger
Kill the Messenger

Movie Review: Kill the Messenger

The history of America’s “War on Drugs” has produced many stories. One of the lesser-known ones is that of the late Gary Webb, an investigative reporter for the San Jose Mercury News who wrote a series of articles about t...

Movie Review
Endless Love
Endless Love
Endless Love

Movie Review: Endless Love

The first thought that crossed my mind when I heard the title; Endless Love, was that it will be a total cliché of a romance film. After seeing the trailer a billion and five times on television, it still struck me as a film I ...